OTS online air cargo

OTS online air cargo has been specially developed for the training of aviation security officers and serves to maintain and increase the X-ray image recognition performance of the deployed personnel. Officially stipulated trainings can be completed flexibly and independently of the place of work.

OTS online air cargo consists of 2000 x-ray images in 80 lessons designed to identify explosives and dangerous objects; the simulator meets the specific requirements for the control of pallets and LD containers.

In order to be able to reliably check freight consignments, the control personnel must know and recognize any special characteristics of pallets and transport boxes, as well as their representation in X-ray images. For example, objects of different or oversized size must be correctly evaluated and their proportions understood in comparison to conventional X-ray images.

The interpretation of X-ray images is trained with the help of a wide selection of different freight items. For evaluation, various editing functions are available. OTS online air cargo deals intensively with the detection and handling of improvised explosive devices (IED) as well as dark alarm.

OTS online air cargo is also available as a short-term license for exam preparation and recertification.

Content air cargo

Learning objects2.000
Learning units80


OTS online air cargo