In addition to our training products, STI provides consulting services covering all fields but with more emphasis on supply chain security and airports.


  • Security audits and on-site analysis checks
  • Creation and updating of security programmes, concepts and procedures
  • Testing and evaluation of existing security programmes and procedures
  • On-site security audits
  • Consulting contracts


Our target groups:

  • Known suppliers of in-flight supplies
  • Known suppliers of airport supplies
  • Known consignors
  • Regulated agents
  • Regulated suppliers
  • Hauliers
  • Airports

We do not restrict our activities to aviation security. We are intensively active in guiding customers to achieve AEO-S, C-TPAT and ISO 28000 status. If you are interested in any of our range of services to support your business needs, please contact us.

Current EU aviation security regulations allow validations of air carriers and entities to be conducted by EU aviation security validators. STI currently employs two EU aviation security validators with decades of experience in aviation security and working with most of the EU appropriate authorities.

WE validate:

  • Air carriers that carry cargo from third countries to the EU (ACC3)
  • Known consignors in third countries (KC3)
  • Regulated agents in third countries (RA3)
  • Known suppliers of in-flight supplies
  • Known suppliers of airport supplies

In addition to validating, STI offers pre-validation checks to evaluate your readiness and, where appropriate, identify deficits that require corrective action. If you need assistance in achieving your validation status, please contact us.

Our ACC3 Team

STI EU Validators are IATA-trained and belong to IATA CEIV (Center of Excellence for Independent Validators).

Ulrich Dünnes

Ulrich Dünnes

E-mail: acc3[at]
Languages: Deutsch, Englisch

Ulrich has a degree in public administration and served a long career as Police Officer and within the various German aviation appropriate authorities before establishing STI in the mid-1990’s. Ulrich has trained, consulted and conducted audits both on behalf of the German State and various customers around the world. Considered by many to be a pioneer within the implementation of Supply Chain Security practises, policies and procedures he also actively campaigns and participates in research projects dealing with supply chain security, X-ray screener image interpretation cognitive skills and aviation security training. Ulrich is a qualified trainer of Smiths Detection equipment ranging from conventional X-ray systems to high energy applications and trace detection products.

Certified as an “EU Aviation Security Validator” by Federal Aviation Office (LBA).

Matthias Haxter

Mobil: +49 172 74 66665
E-mail: matthias.haxter[at],
Languages: Deutsch, Englisch

Matthias has a degree in Law from the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel Germany. Matthias, as a certified instructor by the German appropriate authorities is currently the head of training at STI and has a comprehensive background in Aviation security screening applications and training assignments, both in the pan-European and international arenas. Matthias possesses sophisticated skills in air cargo and supply chain security along with his impressive portfolio, with a lot of dedicated energy spent on developing airlines and companies within the supply chain with practical training, auditing and consultative services, alongside his certified Smiths Detection equipment training and X-ray screener qualification training assignments conducted worldwide.

Certified as an “EU Aviation Security Validator” by Federal Aviation Office (LBA).

Do you have any questions about validation for ACC3? Then we look forward to hearing from you!