We believe that without practical experience, theory is only worth half as much! As we are deeply rooted in passenger and baggage screening, our offerings as a security service provider continue to form an indispensable part of our portfolio.

On behalf of the locally responsible aviation security authorities, we provide experienced, highl qualified personnel for passenger and cargo screening. This development also enables us to continually review and update current methods and security measures: We are as familiar with the work cycle on X-ray devices as we are with the technology itself; critical issues are experienced here first-hand. A practice that benefits our training cources and is an integral part of the further development of our software.

Passenger screening

Air cargo screening

Mobile cargo screening

Passenger screening

Airport Hahn

STI has been carrying out passenger screening with its own staff at Hahn Airport since 2014; we currently employ 130 passenger screeners.


Airport Paderborn

STI has been carrying out passenger screening with its own staff at the airport in Paderborn since 2015; we currently employ 60 passenger screeners.


Air cargo screening

STI offers its customers an integrated air cargo control programme. Acting as a regulated agent, we can handle the entire air cargo control process and are accountable to our customers and the Federal Aviation Office (LBA).

The air freight controls are carried out on the premises of the customers. Accordingly, there is no need for a time-consuming and costly transfer of the loads to obtain the necessary air safety-relevant status. Insofar as the customer's warehouse is already approved as a permanent establishment of a regulated agent, STI establishes therein a control office, which is usually equipped with a cargo x-ray device and an explosives detector.

STI also provides the necessary personnel to carry out the airfreight checks. These control forces for air cargo/mail have been trained in accordance with the provisions of the EU Commission Implementing Regulation and have been audited by the competent authority, the German FAA. In addition to the approval as a control force by the German FAA, STI's personnel has further qualifications in the areas of X-ray and radiation protection as well as dangerous goods regulation.

We are happy to assist you if you are looking for solutions for the optimal control of your air freight. We are looking forward to advise you and ensure that your air freight can be loaded quickly and safely.


Air cargo control centers

Since April 29, 2013, all air cargo shipments which have not been dispatched by an authorized known consignor will require 100% screening.

Therefore, it is crucial that you find a suitable security company that can professionally X-ray or otherwise treat your air freight shipments for safety. STI, itself Regulated Agent, and its experienced partners in the logistics industry offer a nationwide network of air cargo screening centers, authorized by the Federal Aviation Office (LBA) and equipped to screen air cargo individually and to the highest professional standard before it arrives at major airports.

All our screening centers have state of the art x-ray equipment and explosive trace detection systems, operated by expertly trained and experienced aviation security control staff.

Mobile cargo screnning

Mobile screening is primarily intended to screen consignments which cannot be secured by means of X-ray checks and where alternative screening methods are not available on site. In mobile screening, explosive trace detection (ETD), visual inspection, and hand search are applied.

In individual cases, the mobile screening unit can also be used to man X-ray inspection systems if no own staff is available.

In all cases the mobile screening unit client must be a registered regulated agent, and must carry out the screening process in an approved safety area at his facilities.


The 5 Steps of mobile Screening


  1. Firstly, a contract between the client (Regulated Agent) and STI must be made; this must be presented as verification to the supervisory authority.
  2. The client supplements his airfreight safety program (LFSP) to the extent that controls or additional control methods are carried out at his safe location by STI. Since a Regulated Agent can always assign a security status only at his own location, the Principal acts as the authority granting the security status.
  3. The client submits his adapted air cargo security program to the German FAA and waits for approval. The updated air cargo security program must be submitted with the contract.
  4. At the same time, STI deals with the radiation protection requirements. A general authorization for mobile use is already available in selected federal states.
  5. Once approval has been given by the German FAA, a request for use may be issued at any time at short notice. In individual cases, please call us to inquire about availability and subsequently order by email.